
Bad Habits To Break In 2021

2020, what a year! Going on to the next chapter of our lives, there are certain you are doing you shouldn’t; whether it’s slaving away on your phone or being a consistent couch potato, we all have habits we are trying to break. In this article, we’ll be taking you through a few bad habits you should quit sooner than later! 

Not saving money

No matter how much you earn, you just have to save. 2020’s pandemic taught us a lot of lessons especially to those who lost their jobs or stopped working during the lockdown and had no back up funds stashed away. Life can change quickly and without proper back ups, you can be caught in a bad place without any support. Don’t wait for the next pandemic or the next flashy item on your wish list to save up for, start saving today!


The number 1 habit to break has to be procrastination. Take out the trash now, get up and get to the gym today, fill your taxes on time; whatever you have on the itinerary, do it now! The bad thing about procrastination is that it gets harder for you to do those activities as time goes on. With each “oh I’ll get to it later” you lose valuable time and motivation required to complete that task. In the immortal words from Nike, if you feel like there is something you need to do, “just do it!” 

Spending too much time on your smartphone

The world is digital, with tons of information being thrown into our faces daily through our beloved companions, (No, I’m not talking about your high school crush) I’m talking about your phone. Most of us own a Smartphone since it allows us to work, connect and, most importantly, spend time. 

According to several recent reports, smartphones exhaust us emotionally before ultimately making us less active and dissatisfied. What? How?

Smartphone use becomes a con when your online activity starts to rob you of valuable productivity. This is 2021 don’t let your phone boss you around, reduce your screen time now and then. Also, track your phone usage to make sure your productivity is not hampered.

Creating excuses

Failing is perfectly normal, but what happens when some people fail?  They play the blame game or come up with a rock solid excuse.

You have to take responsibility for every decision you make or every action you take this year. Often, there’s always a choice that benefits you at the moment and one that favors you later when it comes to decisions and actions. If you allow excuses to make you choose the former, then in the future, life will have no option but to give you a wide bowl of disappointment and regret.

Avoiding Workouts

There’s a clear connection between being exercising and general wellness. Daily exercise is also directly related to your overall mental well-being and lower incidences of depression.

Here’s how it works; our body produces endorphins; a feel good hormone every time we exercise which improves our mood. Besides that, exercise slows down the rate at which stress hormones are released by our body, reducing our stress levels. Finally, regular exercise is integral for our  general wellbeing and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

Breaking bad habits are easier said than done. The first step is always the hardest but with the right mindset and clear cut goals, you may be on your way to productivity filled year.

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