
Why You Should Stop Using Mobile Devices 2 Hours Before Sleeping

Using mobile devices before sleeping can have a negative impact on your sleep schedule and overall health. You should aim to stop using these devices at least two hours before bed so that you can get a good night’s sleep. Some of the negative effects of using mobile devices before bed include difficulty falling asleep, poor sleep quality, feeling tired throughout the day, and even increased stress levels.

How using mobile devices before sleeping can have a negative impact on your sleep schedule and overall health

There are many reasons why you should avoid using mobile devices before sleeping. One of the biggest reasons is that using these devices can negatively impact your sleep schedule. When you use a mobile device before bed, you’re more likely to have difficulty falling asleep and poorer sleep quality. This is because the light from the device can disrupt your natural sleep rhythm. As a result, you’ll feel tired throughout the day and be more stressed.

Using mobile devices before sleeping can also cause major problems with your circadian rhythm . The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that controls body processes, including sleep. When you use mobile devices before bed, it disrupts the normal production of melatonin , which helps you fall asleep. This interrupts your natural flow and makes it harder to go to sleep. If you use your mobile device before bed, try to limit the amount of time you spend on it each day.

Another negative effect of using mobile devices before sleep is that they may cause you to become addicted . Your body releases dopamine when you check your mobile device, which makes you feel high and crave more. This causes many people to check their device more often, which can cause problems. If you start to feel like you need your mobile device before sleeping, it’s time to cut back. You should aim to stop using these devices at least two hours before bed so that you can get a good night’s sleep.


If you’re looking for a way to improve your sleep, consider closing your mobile device at least two hours before bed. The negative effects of using these devices include difficulty falling asleep and poorer quality of sleep, feeling tired throughout the day with increased stress levels. You can also experience major problems with circadian rhythm when using them close to bedtime which interrupts natural flow and makes it harder to fall asleep. If you find yourself becoming addicted or needing access to your phone in order to get good night’s rest, it may be time cut back on usage or make an effort not to use these devices 2 hours before going out like clockwork. When we create healthy habits in our life such as limiting screen time and increasing physical activity during the day, great things happen. Try making a new tradition by closing your mobile device 2 hours before bed and see if you notice a difference!

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